
Founder and Director

Harriet Lymer-Smith

Harriet is a highly trained Professional dancer and performer with numerous years of experience within the arts and teaching. Harriet first started out in Ballet, age 2, and Gymnastics, age 5 showing promising potential in both disciplines at a very young age. At the age of 8 Harriet was invited to audition for the Royal Ballet school where she was then offered a place at the school to train in London. However Harriet’s gymnastics was also taking off competing at regional level, therefore Harriet had to make a choice between the two, where she chose to pursue her gymnastics career. Harriet went on to compete, nationally and internationally, gaining a place in the England squad competing and representing her country. Although Harriet loved gymnastics her heart was always within dance and dreamed of being on stage therefore she decided to audition for one of the UK’s leading Dance and Musical Theatre Academies- The Urdang.

Harriet was successful at gaining a place and trained in musical theater and professional dance for 3 years. After graduating Harriet has a successful career within the industry with credits including The Brit Awards, MTV Ema Awards, MNEK music video, Adidas and BMW commercials as well as gaining numerous contacts within the industry. Throughout her training at Urdang Harriet started choreographing elite gymnast floor routines and found her love for teaching, therefore Harriet continued to teach different genres of dance and musical theater alongside her performing career. Harriet has been teaching now for around 10 years and has extensive experience in teaching children, ages ranging from 2-18 years. Through her passion of the arts and teaching Harriet has always dreamed of establishing her own performing arts academy, where children are more than just a number but every individual is valued and they are encouraged and celebrated through performing. She promises to provide a safe and enjoyable space to help children learn and grow into the stars they were always destined to be. She wants the Academy to be more than just Performing Arts Classes, but somewhere for everyone, where children can build on their confidence and have a performing arts family where they care about the individual’s life journey wherever it may take them. Harriet is extremely excited to embark on this new journey and can’t wait to welcome all her new students.

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thisisitperformingacademy @gmail.com